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Gentle Reminder about Theft and Road Safety by Director of Security and Transport- Extract from CUHK Newsletter No. 434 dated March 19, 2014 

“Petty theft is prevalent on campus and students should take care not to leave their belongings, notably their valuables, lying around in school buses, lecture theatres, libraries, the gym and bathrooms. The CUHK community are reminded to maintain the same vigilance on campus as they would outside the University. People, especially students, tend to lower their vigilance on campus. While it’s good they feel safe, they should be more careful”

“Many motorists and pedestrians on campus also fall victim to a false sense of security. Don’t forget, the same traffic regulations that apply to Hong Kong also apply to CUHK. We are governed by the Road Traffic Ordinance. When the sign says “dismount”, cyclists should do so for their own safety rather than forging ahead for a good workout. Drivers should stop before pedestrian crossings if there are people waiting on the curbside. And walkers should keep to the pavement even when vehicular traffic is not visible.”